Make sure you have these documents on hand when you fill out your membership application:
Your U.S. Social Security number
A valid form of ID – a U.S. driver's license or other U.S. government-issued ID (if Resident Alien card, valid State ID required as well), U.S. Military ID or U.S. Passport; required to upload
A previous home address (if you have lived at your current home address less than two years)
Date of Birth
Select your eligibility
I am affiliated with Tower’s sponsoring agency.
I am affiliated with a partner organization.
I am related to a current Tower member.
Relationship: Family Member Name:
Other – A donation of $35 or more to the TowerCares Foundation helps support local Veterans and children in need - and makes you eligible to join Tower.
Free checking with as little as $10 initial deposit, earns daily dividends.
APY: 0.15%Min Deposit: $10.00
Non-Interest Checking
Free checking that does not earn dividends.
APY: 0.00%Min Deposit: $10.00
APY (Annual Percentage Yield)
Your Selected Products
Would you like to set up direct deposit to your account?
Deposit checks automatically. Direct deposit is a FREE and secure way to manage your recurring income, such as your paychecks, Social Security, pension or annuity payments. Your funds are automatically deposited to the Tower account of your choice. Self-manage your direct deposit distributions to any Tower account, using Transfers in Home Banking or our mobile app.
Would you like to set up overdraft protection from your Prime Share account?
Avoid fees if you don't have enough funds in your checking. Choose Tower's overdraft protection to prevent accidental overdrafts for checks and electronic items.
Would you like to order a debit card?
No hassle shopping. Make purchases, get cash, transfer funds and make balance inquiries at over a million ATMs worldwide with a FREE Tower Mastercard® debit card.
Would you like Tower to authorize and pay overdrafts on your everyday debit card transactions?
Avoid accidental overdrafts. Choose Tower's Opt-In to prevent accidental overdrafts for debit card and ATM transactions.
Would you like to order paper checks for your account?
Quick and easy check orders. NOTE: Checks can be ordered at a later time.
Would you like to set up overdraft protection from your Prime Share account?
Avoid fees if you don't have enough funds in your checking. Choose Tower's overdraft protection to prevent accidental overdrafts for checks and electronic items.
Would you like to order a debit card?
No hassle shopping. Make purchases, get cash, transfer funds and make balance inquiries at over a million ATMs worldwide with a FREE Tower Mastercard® debit card.
Would you like Tower to authorize and pay overdrafts on your everyday debit card transactions?
Avoid accidental overdrafts. Choose Tower's Opt-In to prevent accidental overdrafts for debit card and ATM transactions.
Would you like to order paper checks for your account?
Quick and easy check orders. NOTE: Checks can be ordered at a later time.
Funding is required to complete your account activation. If you choose to fund later, a representative will reach out to you. This may delay your account activation.
This modal is for testing the Apple Pay workflow only. It will not be displayed to the applicants. Press the Success button to simulate a successful Apple Pay transaction. Press the Fail button to simulate an unsuccessful Apple Pay transaction.
Funding is required to complete your account activation. If you choose to fund later, a representative will reach out to you. This may delay your account activation.
We offer a way to instantly verify your account information using . We only use this partner service to retrieve information required to transfer funds from your specified financial institution and to verify that your current balance is sufficient for this transaction.
System can't prefill due to ZIP code discrepancy. Please proceed by manually entering the information or correct the value in the ZIP field in the 1st page.
Press this button if you want to assign an equal value to all beneficiaries.
In some cases, 100 cannot be divided evenly by the number of beneficiaries When this occurs, the amount of the first beneficiary will be increased to make the total equal 100%.
Which best describes the purpose for establishing this new account relationship?
Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the SSN or TIN provided is my correct taxpayer identification number.
I certify that I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding.
I am a U.S. Citizen or U.S. Resident Alien (a current Resident Alien Card required).
Please select which one:*
Please provide a password in order to perform a Wire Transfer over the phone or for additional telephone security. The password will be required by all account owners when performing any telephone transaction. Passwords may be 10 characters or less (no special characters).
Did you receive a Promotion Code?
If Yes, enter Promotion Code:
Tower has the ability to securely email your account application documents to you for your electronic signature. If approved, would you prefer to sign electronically (some documents may still require a signature signed in ink)?
Tower can only support electronic signatures when all applicants sign electronically. Do all applicants agree to sign electronically? If you decide to complete the application documents in a branch, some electronic signatures may be lost.
You will have the opportunity to elect to receive documents electronically before finalizing your application request by notifying your eCommerce Support Specialist.
Read, Sign and Submit
Your application is not complete until you read the disclosure below and click the "I Agree" button in order to submit your application.
You are now ready to submit your application! By clicking on "I agree", you authorize us to verify the information you submitted and may obtain your credit report. Upon your request, we will tell you if a credit report was obtained and give you the name and address of the credit reporting agency that provided the report. You warrant to us that the information you are submitting is true and correct. By submitting this application, you agree to allow us to receive the information contained in your application, as well as the status of your application.
Email Agreements & Disclosures
The links to Agreements & Disclosures will be sent to your e-mail account so you may view/print later.
We have not received a payment confirmation. Payment is required to complete your account activation. If you close the payment screen, a representative will reach out to you to complete the transaction.
We have encountered an error attempting to initialize payment processing. Your application has been successfully submitted. A representative will reach out to you to complete the funding of your account.
The total amount to be deposited for a product type cannot exceed the limit defined in the following table. Please adjust the deposit amount for your requested products so they do not exceed the limit.