a. Do you currently have any outstanding judgments or have you ever filed for bankruptcy, had a debt adjustment plan confirmed under Chapter 13, Had Property Foreclosed Upon or Repossessed in the Last 7 yrs, or been a party in a lawsuit?
b. Have you ever been declared bankrupt or filed a petition for chapter 7 or 13?
c. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy or had a debt adjustment plan confirmed under chapter 13 in the past 10 years?
d. Have you any outstanding judgments?
e. Are you a party to a lawsuit?
f. Have you had property foreclosed upon or given a deed in lieu of foreclosure in the last 7 years?
g. Have you any obligations not listed?
h. Do you have any past due bills?
i. Are you a Co-maker, Co-signer or Guarantor on any loan?
j. Have you ever had credit in any other name?
k. Is Your Income Likely to Decline in the next two years?
l. Have you any suits pending, judgments filed, alimony or support awards against you?
m. Are you obligated to make Alimony, Support or Maintenance Payments?
n. Is the property securing this loan you are applying for currently for sale?
The purpose of collecting this information is to help ensure that all applicants are treated fairly and that the housing needs of communities and neighborhoods are being fulfilled. For residential mortgage lending, Federal law requires that we ask applicants for their demographic information (ethnicity, sex, and race) in order to monitor our compliance with equal credit opportunity, fair housing, and home mortgage disclosure laws.
You are not required to provide this information, but are encouraged to do so. You may select one or more designations for "Ethnicity" and one or more designations for "Race". The law provides that we may not discriminate on the basis of this information, or on whether you choose to provide it. However, if you choose not to provide the information and you have made this application in person, Federal regulations require us to note your ethnicity, sex, and race on the basis of visual observation or surname. The law also provides that we may not discriminate on the basis of age or marital status information you provide in this application. If you do not wish to provide some or all of this information, please check below.
Why we collect the following information. Federal law requires that lending institutions ask for demographic information. However, applicants are not required to provide it. This information is used to ensure that applicants are treated fairly and that the housing needs of communities and neighborhoods are being fulfilled.
We have not received a payment confirmation. Payment is required to complete your account activation. If you close the payment screen, a representative will reach out to you to complete the transaction.
We have encountered an error attempting to initialize payment processing. Your application has been successfully submitted. A representative will reach out to you to complete the funding of your account.
a. Do you currently have any outstanding judgments or have you ever filed for bankruptcy, had a debt adjustment plan confirmed under Chapter 13, Had Property Foreclosed Upon or Repossessed in the Last 7 yrs, or been a party in a lawsuit?
b. Have you ever been declared bankrupt or filed a petition for chapter 7 or 13?
c. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy or had a debt adjustment plan confirmed under chapter 13 in the past 10 years?
d. Have you any outstanding judgments?
e. Are you a party to a lawsuit?
f. Have you had property foreclosed upon or given a deed in lieu of foreclosure in the last 7 years?
g. Have you any obligations not listed?
h. Do you have any past due bills?
i. Are you a Co-maker, Co-signer or Guarantor on any loan?
j. Have you ever had credit in any other name?
k. Is Your Income Likely to Decline in the next two years?
l. Have you any suits pending, judgments filed, alimony or support awards against you?
m. Are you obligated to make Alimony, Support or Maintenance Payments?
n. Is the property securing this loan you are applying for currently for sale?
The purpose of collecting this information is to help ensure that all applicants are treated fairly and that the housing needs of communities and neighborhoods are being fulfilled. For residential mortgage lending, Federal law requires that we ask applicants for their demographic information (ethnicity, sex, and race) in order to monitor our compliance with equal credit opportunity, fair housing, and home mortgage disclosure laws.
You are not required to provide this information, but are encouraged to do so. You may select one or more designations for "Ethnicity" and one or more designations for "Race". The law provides that we may not discriminate on the basis of this information, or on whether you choose to provide it. However, if you choose not to provide the information and you have made this application in person, Federal regulations require us to note your ethnicity, sex, and race on the basis of visual observation or surname. The law also provides that we may not discriminate on the basis of age or marital status information you provide in this application. If you do not wish to provide some or all of this information, please check below.
Why we collect the following information. Federal law requires that lending institutions ask for demographic information. However, applicants are not required to provide it. This information is used to ensure that applicants are treated fairly and that the housing needs of communities and neighborhoods are being fulfilled.